Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Remembering September 11

Today is September 11, 2007, and it is hard to believe that it has been six years since the tragedy of 9/11. Many times throughout the year, our minds drift back to that day. For many of us, myself included, as the time passes, we go on about the business of life, and the tragedy six years ago starts to seem like it’s only a bad dream. We push back the emotions and memories, rush along through the day, or maybe we just don’t think about it.

But reading and watching the news today reminded me of the thousands of those who don’t go a day without thinking about 9/11. I wanted to take a moment to remember the family and friends of all of those lost on September 11, 2001.

"I think about him every single day," Bob Carlo said last week as the sixth anniversary of the terrorists' attack grew closer. "It never gets any easier. I get choked up talking about it. It's like it happened yesterday." Carlo lost his son Michael, a New York firefighter, on September 11th. Carlo said families' lives changed forever that sunny morning six years ago. "They have their memories like I have mine. My sons were best friends, not just brothers. They did everything together."

Bob Carlo is one of thousands who lost a loved one that day. And there is not a day that goes by that he does not think of his son. I know that we are told to focus on the positive in life and we know that time heals pain. But on the other hand, we sometimes do need to reflect on the past, pay homage, or simply cry. Part of that pain is what helps keep the memory of those fallen heroes alive. Just as if they were our own family, we should all take a moment of our day to appreciate the courage and bravery of all of those lost on that tragic September day. Let us not forget them.

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